среда, 4 марта 2015 г.

Star-Belly Sneetches

Мне очень полюбилась книжка Теодора Гейзеля "The Sneetches and other stories". Впрочем, сначала мы набрели на мультфильм, а не на книгу. Мне очень захотелось поиграть в этих существ с Тасей. Я вырезала из картона звездочки и приклеила одну скотчем к футболке Тасе на животик. Ей эта звездочка очень понравилась. Now you are not a plain Sneetch any more, you are a Star-Belly Sneetch!

The Sneetches is a book about 2 different types of Sneetches:  Plain Sneetches and Sneetches with Stars on their bellies.  The Star-Belly Sneetches think that they are better than the plain sneetches and often exclude them from playing ball and participating in marshmallow roasts.

Мarshmallow - a new word and a new taste for Taya. She will know them well from now on.
It works better if other sences are engaged in learning.
We took marshmallows and picked them with salty bread sticks to roast them above the pretend campfire. Only Star-Belly sneetches were allowed to join in. We stuck the stars to her favorite toys and had our Marshmallow roast party.

#drseussweek, #drseuss, #seuss, #sneetches

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