вторник, 24 января 2023 г.

One line drawing

Линейные рисунки. С детства помню книгу с графикой Пабло Пикассо. Мы с сестрой их копировали, ими вдохновлялись и рисовали свои портреты не отрывая карандаша, в одну линию. Теперь я показываю эту графику дочке - она вдохновлена, мы творим! 

Пикассо непостижим и многогранен. Но для первого знакомства с великим художником достаточно минималистичных постеров. Такие рисунки не могут не вызвать восторга и у взрослых и у детей.

Для нас все началось с этого слоника. А давай нарисуем? Хочу-нимагу-нимагу! (Ниже будут чередоваться рисунки оригинала и наши с Таей, думаю, отличить будет легко - по подписям.)

и вот как у нас получилось:
Или сова.
Не устоять от копирования, правда?

А фламинго? А такса?

Потом еще сова -  ну, просто сказка!
Нельзя в 2023 без символа мира.
И еще, и еще фигурки и образы... который зацепил вас больше?
По-моему, это не оригинал, а векторная реплика:

Тая, конечно же любит танцы.

Это был короткий мастеркласс, как раз увлечь ребенка на полчаса. Но мне-то хочется продолжать. И ужасно хочется вновь подержать в руках ту книгу, из родительской библиотеки...

Такое лицо я в детстве вышивала, оно долго висело в моей комнате.

Дальше - больше! Много лиц! (простите водяные знаки)

Всей графики тут не выложить . Лучше, откройте своего Пикассо сами.

А для вас Пикассо - какой? Может, все-таки живопись? 

пятница, 20 января 2023 г.

Who was Pablo Picasso?

This was my favourite lesson with Taya ❤
I've recently come across this nice book which is written in a good style, easy to read language, so why not read it with your kids or students?

Before I get into details of the lesson plan I would like to tell why it felt like the best lesson for me:
💜 It was rather spontaneous, I did not prepare, I had only looked through the introduction page and I liked it. 
💙 And I had it on my holidays' to do list - to tell Taya about some world known artists, to recognise some names and some styles of the world art. 
💚 And to get the inspiration to create something ourselves.
💛 And it was a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) - for those who know the terms. For those who do not: the content, the general knowledge of the world, the culture or science is a prior goal, whereas speaking English comes as a special bonus, but not the planned language lesson, just a means of communication.

In my after teaching analysis I will refer to Bloom's Taxonomy, if you don't know what it is, I'll give you the clue - see the picture below.
 All lesson activities can fall into 6 categories and every lesson's aim is to reach to the top of the pyramid - to create some work based on the learned material. 

Lesson breakdown
🔹Do you think Pablo Picasso lived a happy life? Why? (he lived a long life, he was very popular and very rich, but also he lived through two World Wars - (teacher's remark: it is not easy to tell if he lived happily or not -it is an open question - and it is Higher Order Thinking Skills,  HOTS#5 - Evaluation).

🔹What events did he witness?
(Lower Order Thinking Skills LOTS #1 Remembering - it's good to check how well your memory works, how many words can you call out without looking into the text. And after getting it you can take that step to the HOTS, reflecting, comparing, judging, speculating...)

🔹For how many years had he been working? - Taya knows that eghty years of work did not start at the age of one, which means that the artist had lived even longer, hypothetically for 95 years if he started painting at 15 (LOTS #3: Application)

🔹How many pieces of art did he create? (LOTS #1: Remembering, scanning the text for the answer)

🔹What forms of art were mentioned in the article? (LOTS#1: Remembering and also HOTS #5 evaluating how industrious a person can be)

🔹When did he start selling his drawings?
🔹At what age did he die?

Taya was really amazed by the fact that the symbol of piece 🐦 has it's creator. She said it must be so cool to create a world known symbol!

🔹What are the opposites of these words:
serious - funny, silly, playful...
childlike - adult, grown-up, realistic
colorful - black and white, grey, monochrome, dark
simple - difficult, complicated, complex.
(LOTS # 2: Understanding)

🎨 it's time to have some fun!
Let's try to draw the outlines of a horse without taking your pencill off the paper, think at what point will you start and make a one-line-drawing.
Let's do the same with the scissors!

our horses

If it counts as HOTS #6: Creation - then we got it! But I think we just had some fun after lots of reading and discussing. In a language class the creation should be either a piece of writing or a speech (some verbal creation, such as a short report or a summary, maybe rendering). And I guess  because it was not a language lesson 😅 but a CLIL lesson, we had it all right!

I hope, you like it too. ❤

пятница, 13 января 2023 г.


Family dinners
Speaking lesson
Anapa, Jan, 12th, 2023
It has been a year since I started giving Taya proper lessons. I mean properly planned lessons, with a course book (Go Getter 3 -the course is great! Want to get back to it soon). It worked well for a couple of months, then we declined for summer vacations and just enjoyed lisening to a nice audiobook “Gladys" by Bertie (Storynory.com) 😍 an absolutely enjoyable book for early teens!) 

Today I am restarting proper teaching - and I try a new coursebook: Gateway B1
Goal: speaking
Topic: Family dinner
Student's age: 11
Level: B1

1) Warm up.
comparing two pics (exam skill: 
▪ point out the common thing in both pics - food, having a meal
▫ tell the difference - all together / alone
elicit the idea: which situation is nicer, better scenario and why ➡
the importance of eating together
I got Taya speaking!
I was happy with what I got - a good balance of teacher's talking time and Student's talking time ☺
There is a room for improvement however. If we stick to the exam skills algorythm it'll work best.

2) Lead in.
People call to the radiostation to tell about their situation: whether they eat together or not, whether they have a small talk or not. 
What can you tell of your own dinner habits? Are you happy with wat we've got? What can be done to improve it?

⭐ Together we stated the problem: we don't have proper conversations around the table. Normally we, parents, discuss some adult issues like politics and kids have to mind their own business. 

⭐ I like Taya's ideas, her speculating ability. However I made he feel uneasy by asking of the solutions to our family problem. I tried to give a positive mindset, we could work it out together. She didn't seem to be ready to offer anything at all. - it is okay, I guess we just have to go on with the listening activity which could give you more ideas and we can get back to our question later.
3) Pre-listening
How many speakers are there? - 6.
How many statements to match - 8.
So, two versions are are there to distract your attention.
Here's the strategy: put down the names and be ready to take some notes for each speaker ( age, occupation, whethe he/she is happy or not with their dinner habits)
4) Listening to audio 4. 
Gist listening (Match the speaker and the ideas)

1 Mike - D
2 Chris - G
3 Sally - E
4 Alice - A
5 Jennifer - F
6 Daniel - B

5) After-listening 
Evaluation of the situations: which is the best, which doesn't sound right, which resembles yours? Which speaker do you think reminds you anyof your friends? What do you know about your friend's family dinners?

⭐ I enjoyed working with Taya, she can concentrate allright. Her listening skills are quite strong. It  can be challenging yet - which is good, the B1 level coursebook is just right.

⭐ Together we tried to work out some suitable topics for family dinners. We speculated about how life could change when we move to the new flat with a big telly in the kitchen. It'll never be the same. And what could be done about it not to end up in having zombie family dinners. We even discussed a layout of ouf future kitchen.

⭐ What I liked most in this lesson is the level of her engagement. It was not a hypothetical situation, but things that really matter, something real to focus on. I tried my best to show Taya the positive mindset and a problem solving approach. She was not as excited as I was. And I feel uneasy about switching between two roles: a mother and a teacher.

6) Follow up. 
special questions ex 3
(didn't get to that stage - Taya got already tired)

Abrau-Durso, Nov, 24th 2022