четверг, 22 мая 2014 г.

Push, push, pushbike!

Начну эту публикацию с такой незатейливой песенки (кстати, песенки так же важны, как и объем глоссария, поэтому я всегда пополняю свою копилку подобными вещами)

Ride away, ride away,
Hold it tight you'll be okay.
Ride away, ride away,
If you ride, ride every day!
Ride away, ride away,
Giddie up, you'll have to say
Ride away, ride away,
Say good bye and shout hooray!

И вот еще одно незатейливое произведение, моего собственного сочинения :)
Bicycle, bicycle, beautiful sound!
Bicycle, bicycle, can I have one more round?

А вот и сам глоссарий, еще не поный, рождался спонтанно. Многое взято из художественной книги Stephen Fry 'Making History' (а кто знает это имя, тот скажет, что язык Стефена Фрая является образцом английского языка).

bike, bicycle
pushbike - велосипед (управляемый мускульной силой, в противопоставлении мотобайку)
To ride a bike, to pedal, to cycle - ездить, кататься на в.
To pedal, to push the pedals, to make it spin

To mount, to dismount a bike сесть на в., слезать с в.
To swing oneself into the saddle, to hop oneself on a bike - вскочить в седло
To freewheel a bike (to a garage) - вести, катить, т.ж.:
To wheel out the bicycle from the passageway, To push a bike through a gate, to lead it towards the fence
To lean the bike against the hedge, to prop against the wall - прислонять в.
To veer, to turn off the road - сворачивать
To race away - уезжать быстрo
To slow down, to apply the brakes - замедлять, притормаживать
To step on the brakes (if it is not handbrakes)
To pump rythmically up the hill - тяжело крутить педали вгору
To thrust over a handlebar - согнуться над рулем
To stand on pedals - вставать на педали, ехать стоя
To take your hands away from the handlebars, let go - отпускать руль
To crush into smth, to bump into, to hurtle down, to hurtle into a tree - врезаться
To keep a safe distance to smth, behind someone's bike
To give a wide berth to smth -объезжать на достаточном расстоянии от ч-л, уклоняться от ч.л.

Встретилось мне так же выражение to cute the kettles - крутить педали (велотренажера или впринципе любого педального средства?)

Части велосипеда:
Saddle - седло
Handlebars - руль
Handbrake - ручной тормоз
Wheels, rear wheel, frontwheel, training wheels or stabilizers
Spoke - спица колеса
Mudguard (front and rear) - брызговик
Frame -рама
Luggage rack -багажник
Baby seat (?)-детское кресло

He stared at the wheel which was buckled, tyre flat, spokes dented. Он уставился на колесо, которое было погнуто, спущенную шину и погнутые спицы.
Hear tickling of the wheels - does it please you? - слышишь тиканье колес, тебе нравится этот звук?

среда, 21 мая 2014 г.

Can you see salut? It is an aeroplane!

Вот снова настала пора отметить наши продвижения в речи. У нас сейчас период сравнений и противопоставлений. Постоянно слышу от нее фразы типа 'Тася на коньках, как папа' или 'man running, like mommy', 'маму комарики кусают, Тасю тоже комарики кусают и папу'.
И утверждения типа 'это не сухое, это мокрое', 'таблетки не сладкие, они горькие, нельзя! Доктор прописал'
Где-то уже появляются глаголы-связки is, are. Но не везде. Иногда очень четко и уверенно говорит 've got', 'has got'. Постоянно повторяю за ней сказанные фразы, чтобы скорректировать, вставить пропущенные глаголы, артикли и предлоги и постоянно добавляю: right you are! Absolutely! Clever girl! И тому подобное.
Особенно удивило ее сравнение белого следа от самолета с салютом, ведь правда похож?

Понятно, что произношение пока не позволяет кому-либо другому что-то понять, но я-то знаю, что она говорит! Вот то что захотелось за ней записать, 'как слышу' иногда требуется расшифровка, иногда нет:

Wanna more.
Wanna go syee (here), wanna go foyes (to the forest)
I found a cone, a stick. Let's make fire!
What is it drop? Rain? Doctor Foster went ...shower rain... step puddle.. newe again.
Where boys? Catch up with them?
Which way? This or this?
I don'know this paf way (pathway)
Come anon (along) foyow me (follow me)
It is not wet. It is dry.
Water not cold, water hot.
Look, I've got black fingers. Wash hands.
Can you see salut? It is not salut, it is eypein (aeroplane) - she spoke of the plane wich leaves a long white trail in the air which associates with salut.
Tasya no camera, Tasya no hole (speaking of an oldfashioned phone, right you are, it has no camera, that 'hole' is called a camera)
It is dirty, it is not clean.
Mummy breaches stained, Tasya not stained.
It is not working. it is broken.
Cannot switch it on.
It is locked. Cannot open it (playing games on our tablet computer)
Tasya is little. Mummy is big.
I am not thirsty I am okay.
I am okay now (after she's been crying a bit)
Can do byseys (by myself):
Tasya riding scooter byseys! (by herself)
Like daddy, like mommy, like Artyom... like a big girl.

вторник, 20 мая 2014 г.

Thumbelina roleplay game

Since Thumbelina has become our favourite tale of this spring and my little daughter keeps searching for Thumbelina in every tulip she sees, I prepared all necessary things to make the fairy tale come to life.
She planted the seed and she watered it generously. We sang a song:
Mighty pretty motion, too-da-la, too-da-la
Rise, shugar, rise!
And then she was born herself - emerging from a red sack - you're my little Thumbelina! -I exclaimed.
There was a little girl with a little curl right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good, she was verry verry good,
But when she was bed she was horrid.

A basin made her a bed (nutshel in original) in which she was stollen away from her house by an ugly toad.
Lulaby was sang:
The sandman comes, the sandman comes
He brings such pretty snow-white sand
For every child throughout the land
The sandman comes, the sandman comes.

She escapes from the toad - a green hammock served a good lily pad to travel on.
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream
Merrilly, merrilly, merrilly, merrilly - life is but a dream!

Cockchafer's flight - jumping from a plank to plank she enjoyed so much that did it three times to and fro. With a song:
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
Jack jump over a candlestick.

Winter in a mouse's house doing her job - she crawled under the tennis table to sort out mosaic nails by colours. The song was:
See seaw, Thumbelina,
Jenny shall have a new master
She shall have but a penny a day
Because she can't work any faster.

Mole's tunnel - she crawled through a tent
Swallow flight - I only showed her how to make a swallow balancing on a little chair on my tummy - she climbed up on my back! Great! It was a real swallow ride :)
Then we sing in a round dance a marriage song for Thumbelina and herprince:
Lavender blue, dilly dilly, lavender green
When I am a king, dilly dilly, you'll be my queen.
Some to make hay, dilly dilly, some to cut corn,
While you and I, dilly dilly, keep ourselves warm.

With many thanks to Anastasia 
Borisova and her project  http://english4.me/wp/wppage/go-in-for-sports-english-for-kids-goodsport-besplatnyj-marafon/

Garden yoga story

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's Heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
— Dorothy Frances Gurney 'God's Garden'.

This time we do yoga on our garden terrace and we name the poses according to what we see and what we do everyday in our garden: we plant and wather and watch the young spurts to grow. Garden is a place where the nature and the culture come so close together.

1. Watering can (sit down with legs splayed, bent one knee and put the sole of your foot next to inner thigh of the opposite leg, stretch your back towards the foot of the outstretched leg)

2. Garden shears (sit down with legs splayed, reach for the toes with both hands)

3. Earthworm - Cobra (Lie on your tummy, lift head and shoulders off ground, place palms flat next to your shoulders, and hiss like a snake.)

4. Rainbow – Bridge Pose or Wheel Pose (Come to lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms down alongside your body, tuck your chin to your chest, and lift your buttocks to create a bridge. Pretend that you are the arches of a rainbow.

5. Dog, Bear, Roof (Step back to hands and feet, and walk like a bear.)

6. Bird – Warrior 3 Pose (Stand on one leg. Extend the other leg behind you. Bend your torso forward and take your arms out in front of you to pretend that you are flapping your wings like a bird.)

7. Scarecrow - (Stand with your legs apart, with your feet facing slightly outwards, arms outstreached, turn your head to the right and then to the left several times)

More yoga stories here:

воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 г.

Obstacle course

I love creating obstacle courses. It does not take many efforts or much time to oganise an obstacle course which is a lot of fun and it surely super useful thing as it develops gross motor skills of a child by means of a game.
As soon as the obstacle course is ready the most important thing is the rules. I try to put it clear and short what the kids are expected to do and how. And I have to make sure that they get it right.
This time the rules sounded like this:

You should go all the way to the little house with a ball in your hands.
As soon as you're in the little house you should throw the ball out of the window so that to set it into the basket.
Then you get yourself out through the window too and get the ball.
Then you straddle this little chair and throw the ball again. The ball should rest between the legs of the reverted little stool like this (show it).
After that you pick it up to set it into the buggy to give it a tour round the tennis table.
And that is the finish of the course.
Do you want to have one more round?

The kids go rounds and rounds and if it is too easy I can ask to do the same thing on their tiptoes or walking backwards or even with eyes closed. It depends on the age of a child. This time I have two kids: a boy who is five and a girl who is two and a half. The boy needs the rules to be updated while the girl is just encouraged to perform it in her way.

Many thanks to Anastasia 
Borisova and her project http://englis4.me/