воскресенье, 6 декабря 2020 г.

Broadcasting Christmas cheer


Эфир состоялся! Какой-никакой, а опыт. Я попробовала "стримить"! Даже подключила подругу. Присутствовало минимум четверо человек. Не очень плохо для первого раза. К сожалению, скорость моего интернета не позволяет пока проводить качественные стримы. Поэтому, не буду никого больше мучить. Выводы сделаны, над ошибками работаю. Что получилось, то получилось, можно сказать, что это полный провал!!! Особенно с технической стороны.

По содержанию, транслированию рождественского настроения - все окей!
Пусть мы не осветили все пункты плана, своей цели мы достигли. We spread lots of Christmas cheer! 

(на случай, если кто-то все-таки будет пересматривать запись IGTV на канале @gim_mefive - не судите строго, неидеальное произношение, ошибки, слова-паразиты... Я хочу в дальнейшем приглашать разных людей, с разным уровнем языка и все ради SPEAKING ENGLISH)

А теперь я опубликую все, что осталось за кадром. По-моему, лексика классная. Бери и делай! Хотелось не только употребить все фразы, но и попрактиковать коммуникативные умения: предоставлять друг другу слово, давать реакцию, выражать эмоциональное отношение к тому что говорит партнер, при этом приветствовать присоединившихся, отвечать на их комментарии. Многовато задач, но это же эфир!



Привет, друзья! как ваше настроение предрождественское? Ведь именно об этом я собираюсь сегодня поговорить. И я буду делать это по-английски. 

Today's topic is Xmas in the air!

What makes us feel this way and how to get into a festive mood.

I am going to give you a recipe and you are welcome to add any ingredients you wish to.

Be active, comment it below the video. Any support is appreciated!

I've invited a friend to spread Christmas cheer with me. So stay tuned

I'd like to introduсe Elena who is a teacher of English and she is also a mom who creates bilingual environment for her son. You may check it out on her profile how many things they do everyday and share in her blog.

Tonya: Hello! How is it in Novosibirsk today? Are the streets covered in deep snow?

Lena: it has snowed already a lot (is it true or not?)

Tonya: I see. Sounds great! Have you made your first snowman already in this season?

Lena: yes or no it is up to you...

Tonya: I think playing with snow puts you into а festive feeling more than anything, does not it?

Lena: Yes, catching snowflakes with your tongue, playing snowballs, making snow angels. These are very joyful activities that certainly whisk you away into a magic fairy tale!

Tonya: What about the places where it never snows? Can we think of any other ways to feel festive?

Lena: I believe if you want to pick up this Xmas mood you have to go shopping. Because this is where you simply can't fail to feel Xmas in the air! Because you walk down the malls profusely decorated for Christmas, you admire those gigantic X-mas trees, you hear the best music hits. It gets to you anyway.

Tonya: completely agree! And when you want to make sure you've bought a gift for everyone you love it spreads joy in the first place..

But this year I am afraid many people would opt for shopping online. You know, because of the pandemic we learned to avoid crammed places. And online shopping is not the same as off line shopping, is it?

Lena: No it isn't. So I guess this second ingredient does not work either. Let's find something that suits everyone.

Tonya: how about music? I am sure everyone has got a kind of Holiday playlist. You can mention your number one song which spreads Christmas cheer and does it best.

I really like PENTATONIX, Carol of the bells.

But my Christmas playlist is huge!

Lena: I haven't heard of this band before. And I am with you here: 

If you want to plunge into Holiday atmosphere you can't go wrong with listening to the Christmas songs or watching films about Christmas.

Tonya: Absolutely! And I do not know even what works more! Could you (guys, those who have joined) write undernetath this video what works best for you: watching movies or listening to the Christmas songs? What gives you more festive vibes?

Lena: I think it's high time we mentioned the Xmas tree and home decorations. Because no Holidays can come without these symbols of Christmas.

Tonya: you can say that again! If only I could tell how I love the garlands of Christmas lights! It makes me feel so Christmassy-Christmassy! Like nothing else!

Lena: Yeah, home decorations matter. There are so many ways how to transform your space into a winter wonderland.

And apart from these common decorations, which all of us got used to here in Russia, I would like to mention traditional British and American realia.

Tonya: wow, it is really nice of you to remember those!

Lena: and I am speaking of Holy and mistletoe (if you have the picture of these - show)

Tonya: Right! We can hear these names in songs (deck the halls with boughs of holly) and see the scenes in the movies where a couple who find themselves standing under the mistletoe they should kiss. Thank you for recalling these.

Lena: Let's go further. How about the advent calendar?

Tonya: Super ingredient! This is the thing that turns anticipating into a joyful journey!

And I think it is a must for all who have kids. So we are going on to a huge topic where we can discuss all sorts of activities you do when you have kids. 

Lena: and it seems like if we start our discussion, we may end tomorrow morning. 

Because parents become consumed by Christmas preparations more than those who have no kids.

Tonya: it may be true or may be not. What do the people (who watch us) think? Is it true that there are way more things to be arranged at homes where there are kids than in those where there are no kids? 

Lena: Do grownups prefer to make it simple, and would they go for a film and a festive dish and that's it. Or are they more inventive?

Tonya: it would be great to read your ideas, guys, so be active!

The last but not least idea which is worth mentioning is Donations. Have you ever donated anything for Christmas?

Elena: that's a great question, thank you for asking it! This is a very English tradition, don't you think so?

Tony: I do! And I feel like this is the right thing to do for Christmas. This tradition should not be overlooked. And Christmas time is a good time to show how big your heart is

Lena: I am totally with you. And I would advise this to everyone: think what you could donate today and do it!



I want to remind you that you can comment whenever you like after watching tis video. You are most welcome with your super ideas.

What is your recipe that does the trick? Let us know in the comments.

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