пятница, 7 ноября 2014 г.

Candy (a book by Kevin Brooks)

CANDY by Kevin Brooks
Not that I didn't like the book, I have nothing to say about it.
Not silly, not dull just a book to read and forget. However these are the words to learn:

Gig -концерт
Callus ('кэлэс) - мозоль
That is just callusses from playing the guitar
Fess up! - сознавайся, 'колись'
Bauble, trinket - безделушка, побрякушка
To give an ogle - влюбленный взгляд
Gawk - разиня
Don't gawk at it, do something! -хватит глазеть
Wad of notes - пачка денег
Otley's on the posh side of the town. Heystone doesn't do poor, it only does varying degrees of rich, and Otley's about as rich as it gets.

Pupil - зрачок
To amble - ходить медленно
Slumber - дремота, сон, дремать
Retracted appearance - отреченный вид
Sternly - сурово, строго, угрюмо
Stern father
Remorsefull - полный раскаяния
You're grounded. As of today, you're not to go out at the weekends, or after six in the evening, without my specific permission. It's half-term when I'm away, but the same rules apply, and I expect you to follow them without any help of your sister. She's got enough on her plate without having to watch over you all the time. I ned to know that I can trust you. I am giving you the responsibility for your own dicipline and if you don't take it seriously, the only person you'll be letting down is yourself.

I promise you. Scout's honour. Cross my heart and hope to die.
Skiving off school ('skaivin)- прогуливание, отлынивание
Cowardly - трусливо
Galore - в изобилии
With wine galore (ga'lo:) вино текло рекой
How have you sped? - как успехи?
Scantily clad women - полуголые женщины
Scantily lighted street - слабоосвещенная улица
Do not leave any tell-tale signs.
Pockets crammed with some stuff - набитые карманы
Dissuade- отговаривать, разубеждать
Apprehensive - опасающийся, предчувствующий неудачу
She grudgingly nodded her assent (a'sent) она неохотно кивнула
Estuary - устье, дельта реки
To seek sanctuary - искать убежища
Throes of a nightmare - муки ночного кошмара
Throes - Приступ, судороги
Scuttle - торопливый шаг, пробежаться
I know it's going to be hard but I think I've got my head around it now. It's like I see myself on the other side. IcanseewhatI want to be.
There's not many girls get the better of me in a fight. - не многие девчонки могут меня победить в драке.
Expendable materials - расходный материал
Everything that happened was down to her. It was her fault.
He was not forthcoming - он отзывался неохотно
Manslaughter - непредумышленное человекоубийство

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