четверг, 27 ноября 2014 г.

Babylon Beach (a book by Imogen Edwards-Jones & anonymous)

A collection of great material, a patch quilt of all sorts of problems which may occur in such place, dealing with VIP clients, dealing with staff, supply glitch, electricity break-down,bad weather conditions just anything. But where is the plot? I mean where is the intricately waven plot? Nothing ever happens in the book meanwhile shit happens all the time in the luxury resort. You can start reading this book in the middle or from back pages there will be no difference. There complaints and there is Mr.Solve-any-Problem who carries on through a week of a nightmare life in this resort.
I quit reading it at page no 157.
Here are the words to learn, as usual:

Overzealous - чрезмерно старательный
Rotund (ro'tand) полный, толстый, круглый
To have one's nose out of joint -потерпеть поражение, расстроить планы
We had a sixteen-minute firework display that was as grand as Millenium night in Sydney Harbour. A few of the staff thought it was a little extravagant - I think their noses were out of joint.
Occupancy ('okjupansi) размещение
Dissent - несогласие, расхождение
Purport ('pe:pet) смысл, подразумевать
Haven -убежище, гавань
I know it sounds mad to check out the guests at a resort that purports to be a get-away-from-it-all haven
Jetlag - нарушение биоритмов в связи с перемещением в другой часовой пояс
We needed around eight hundred staff to keep the show on the road.
There's too much sun, sea and bloody sand, they just have to make a run for it. If you last two years here you should get given a medal.
Foible - слабость, причуда
Gate-crasher незваный гость
Good evening, what seems to be the problem? - the best phrase Mr. Solve-Any-Problem may produce.
Booze - выпивка
I just make sure we get plenty of booze on the table.
Militant millionaires - воинственные миллионеры
To be on stand-by - в запасе, в резерве, наготове
Frond - ветка, лист расчлененный, как у папоротника, лист пальмы
Felling of fronds - рубка листьев
Abreast (ab'rest) вряд, на одной линии
To keep abreast of -Не отставать от
Abreast information - своевременная информация
All the villa hosts are on standby, waiting for their guests to wake up so they can inform them immediately of the problem with electricity. All the consumer studies that we have done here on the island tell us that if we keep people abreast of problems and keep giving them up-to-date information they are much more forgiving. Give people the information and they can make an informed decision, or at least that's the theory.
Bellboy - посыльный
To top up - дозаправить, дозарядить
Collide - сталкиваться
Draconian - суровый, безжалостный
Warden - инспектор, смотритель
Tepid breakfast - прохладный
There is a flurry of complaints as I walk in. - шквал жалоб
Digs - жильё, берлога
My digs are a shithole.
Brag - хвастать
Afield - вдали от дома, за границей
Glitch - затруднение, авария, внезапный отказ
Resort to - прибегнуть к
They resorted to violence
To make resort to somebody - обращаться за помощью к
Thatch - соломенная или тростниковая крыша
To re-thatch a roof
The rain is easing up now.

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