Today Tasya saw what her name looks like in English. In our bedroom I stuck three cards above our pillows, they say 'mummy', 'daddy', 'Tasya'. She read it joyfully, pointing to the pillows: Tasya sleeps here'.
Maybe I am creating my bycicle, there must be plenty of methodics of early teaching. However I follow my intuition only, because have no time for searching and reading those methodics. Theese are the main principles of early learning which I classify:
GOOD MOOD principle - Never forse to read, just try to draw the attention when she is playful and happy. Reading is fun!
Principle of FAMILIARITY - or speaking is ahead of reading, this is why I keep on the record of her phrases, now that she uses them actively she may see how they are written and we read them along.
VARIETY of forms - reading is not only cards, but anything where the words can be put on and, what is more important, the object itself
where the written word is associated with the action it defines. For example we have a horisontal bar where she loves to hang, so there is a word 'HANG' now. She grabs the bar right where the paper is stuck - no need to point out where the word is written which she should read - she finds it herself. It's not only 'a ball' can be written on a ball but also 'kick', 'roll', 'throw', 'catch', 'toss'...
SHORT TERM principle - she is not supposed to remember exactly what the word looks like or read it over and over again untill she is able to write it. No, the words should be taken away before it becomes boring. Replace for the new ones. The more the better - it should result in understanding of reading rools, not in knowing few words by hard. So in a couple of days I am going to change 'HANG' for 'GRAB' and 'GRAB' - for two hands. Few days later it may be 'PULL UP' or something else or nothing at all. In the bathroom there are even more words and word combinations like 'FOAM, SOAP,WASH AWAY, TAKE SHOWER, PROP AGAINST THE WALL'...