пятница, 31 января 2014 г.

My rhymes

Here are the lines that I dashed off when we had some bedtime games.

Pillow up and pillow down
Wellcome to the pillow town!
Pillow on the left and pillow on the right
Let us start a pillow fight!
Pillow on the right and pillow on the left
In this town there is no theft
(who'll be punished for the theft?)
Pillow up and so you hide
Perch on it and so you ride!

When playing tags game I sing these lines:

Honey-bunny, fox is coming!
Where's your home and where's your mommy?
If you loiter - you're in trouble,
Off you go and do skedaddle!

четверг, 30 января 2014 г.

Cooking playdough PIZZA

Pizza by 

Are you ready - then off you go
Punch and pummel that pizza dough.
Roll it out with a rolling pin.
Don't stop rolling till it is nice and thin.

Crush tomatoes and gently spread
Till your pizza is ruby red.
Turn it yellow with grated cheese.
Grind some pepper on but please don't sneese.

Take a knife and begin to slice.
Pepperoni are pretty nice.
Chop some mushrooms and lots of ham.
Add a pinch or two of marjoram. 

Now for seafood, and don't be skimpy
Make your pizza extremely shrimpy.
Add some mussels and if you wish
A tin of anchovies or a tuna fish.

Mamma mia - you've no idea
It's the finest pizza in the pizzeria.

Когда-то я участвовала в конкурсе переводов для этого стихотворения. Сегодня, вспоминая это участие, добавлю-ка свой перевод сюда, ведь нигде он больше не сохранился, кроме как В контакте (ссылка на мое учасие в конкурсе: https://vk.com/wall-71204527_879)

К сожалению, переводы не оценивались экспертами, победителя определяло количество лайков, а моя страничка была совершенно новенькая, друзьями в тот момент даже не обросла, голосов набрала меньше всех :( Но уже тогда я поняла, что перевод - занятие творческое и очень захватывающее!

"Пицца" Джулия Дональдсон -> Пер. Антонина Боровская

"Ты готов? Тогда мы вместе 

Разомнем для пиццы тесто! 

Нам на это сил не жалко, 

Раскатаем блинчик скалкой.

Смажем блин томатной пастой -

Станет он багрово-красным, 

А под этим сыром тёртым 

Станет он янтарно-жёлтым!

Мы порежем на кружочки 

Пеперони и грибочки. 

Сделать вкус оригинальным 

Нам поможет орегано!

Перчк, пер-Чхи! - будь здоров! 

Как насчет морских даров?

И креветки, и анчоусы, 

Мидии в собственном соусе, 

Осьминоги, наконец, 

И, конечно же, тунец!

Мамма миа! Вот так пицца!

Приходите угоститься!"

And here are our ideas and pictures of our games. Handicraft felt and plasticine look yummy, don't they? 
I cut out the flat shapes from the handicraft felt, such as slices of mushrooms and tomatoes for pizza and a frying pan too. The pizza dough, chease, shrimps, hotdog and the egg are made of playdough.
Invite your friends for a picnic!

среда, 29 января 2014 г.


Good printable cangaroo game and words in animal world

Very hungry caterpillar

I thought I could not fulfill it with my two-year-old, but today l woke up and thought, why not?
I took the same plasticine I used for “cooking“
аnd rolled the fruits. I know it will take a week or so to dry up and the colours will fade a little. But we made it! And Tasya named all the fruits and learned how to roll, prick, pierce. I used a juice straw to decorate blackberries with circles. 
And i pricked oranges and strawberries to make them look more natural.
However, the process is described here in details:

And in the end I post a picture of the threaded beads. 
We used a shoe lace, as it had the ends which were easy to thread without anything else. Enjoyed it a lot.


Ms.T's first drawings (25 months) and I have to add something myself to make the picture clear. Together we make great masterpieces!

суббота, 25 января 2014 г.

Welcome to the trainland (part two)

Building a railroad
I may be gone crazy about preparing for the game, but today I wrote some verses for our trainland. I just wanted to go on playing with the train we have already made before. I wanted to add a railway. So I cut many stripes of paper for the rails and the sleepers. I layed them straight, singing: five, six - pick up sticks, seven, eight - lay them straight. Then I thought to myself that it was a good song to sing when building the railway with my kid. I just changed the other words of the song to make all song suitable for the trainland. There may be mistakes, And the rhyme is not always right, anyway, feel free to comment upon. And here it is:

One, two - little too-too
Three, four - leaving depot!
Five, six - pick up sticks
Seven, eight - lay them straight!
Nine, ten - get into the train,

Eleven, twelve - suitcace on a shelf!
Thirteen, fourteen - first goes engine,
Fifteen, sixteen - hear the whistle.
Seventeen, eighteen - girraf, alligator,Nineteen, twenty - everyone freighted!

And we did it! I unrolled the scothch tape and started putting the sticks one by one singing my song. Ms.T joined me eagerly and built all the railroad this way. It was easy and she had a lot of fun.
I gave her the following guides:
Unroll a long line of scotch tape. Look, this side is sticky and this is not. We put it on the table with the sticky side upwards. Now lay the sticks one by one straight. (Here I started singing) Then I gave her longer sticks and told to put them across the short ones for it were the rails. To my surprise she saw a ladder, not the railroad! When all was ready we put the train on the way and she saw how it worked. She learned what the railroad was.
And this time we have one more passenger, who is it? - alligator!
Wes, you are right. He will travel in our train too. But in a different car. In a caboose! The caboose is always in the end of a train. And so other animals can travel safely, the alligator won't eat them. Look, it can not reach for anyone from its caboose.
Let's start our journey now!
Nine, ten, get into the train! Choo-choo!

Thank you for reading

четверг, 23 января 2014 г.

Welcome to the trainland

This is what we can do together with my daughter (25 months). She names the animals and some objects too, so the given dialog is close to life. And I am proud of her :) because her English is totally my job.
She enjoys playing with glue very much, she could smear all over the place, so I give her the opportunity. But the games do not last long in this age, so I tried to make it short and splitted it in two days. 

Read the next publication to find my verse about the journey to trainland :

Look what I have prepared for you, do you know what it is? - train!
Yes, it is a train! And look what's that? - weels
Yes, you are right! Our train is missing the wheels, let's stick them to it. Here is the glue, smear the wheels well so that the train wouldn't loose them. Now turn over and press hard. Here it is - the train on wheels!

So, this is the engine, it pulls the car. And this is the car that it pulls. And who will travel there in the car? - penguin! Girrafe! Horse!
Yes, you are right! Put them into the car and use the glue! Smear them well. I can see how you like the glue - hold it upright, the end that smears should be down on paper.

Now let me help you to put the animals into the car so that they coud peek out of the windows. Look, the penguin is waving to you! Wave your hand too! Press the animals hard to stick well. Good job!

And who is travelling in the locomotive? - rabbit!
Great! Stick it too. Now everyone is ready to go! Off we go!!! give a whistle! Tooo-tooo!!! Choo-choo! Choo-choo! This is the steam that is going out from the stack!
Look what is there in front of the train? - tunnel!
Yeah, it is a tunnel, we are going right into it. Too-tooo! Have a nice journey!

I had a little hen

Finger paint of my daughter, illustrating the famous nursery rhymes.

My daughter enjoys smearing very much! 
I hope to post series of palmprint illustrations later.