воскресенье, 17 ноября 2019 г.

Content and Language Integrated Learning

I am going to talk about CLIL, which is the abbreviation for Content and Language Integrated Learning. And very briefly, that's an approach to language teaching where content which is non-language related content-- so it might be history or geography-- is taught through a foreign language for the students. 

So why would people like to use CLIL? Well, one of the reasons is that it's a way of expanding meaning-based instruction. So we make use of the content of non-language classes. So you've got geography or business studies. And you can use their concepts and topics and meanings. And in that way, you really extend the objects of real communication.

It's also, in a way, an extension of task-based language teaching and communicative language teaching. You've got one huge communicative task, which is learning the content of a different subject. And that can be used through the L2 gain authentic communication.

 Another issue is that we've got a situation where there are learner groups who are often seen as people who are not interested in learning languages. Because they might not like what's typically taught in the foreign language classroom. And they might be more interested, for instance, in learning science through English. 

And politically, there's also been the reason to say, Europe is multilingual. European Union is multilingual. And language teaching approaches had to be diversified to increase the language competence of EU citizens.

I would like to add here some comments given by other people too:

A.M: My current school requires us to use CLIL in our classes. We have had very little introduction/training based around it and this has had quite a negative impact on my teaching confidence. I am a secondary trained teacher who has spent the last 8 years teaching the National Curriculum. I have no formal language teaching training or experience and this is something which I am finding extremely difficult. In addition, all 22 of my students have very little knowledge of English so I rely on my TA to interpret their comments, questions, ideas (as well as mine). All the research we have been presented with highlights that in order for CLIL to work best, the teacher and students should share a common language (L1) and the teacher should be bilingual. I agree with this and think that students would benefit the most in a classroom like this.

S.M.: I integrate CLIL in my English lessons by working along with my fellow teachers. For example, if the history teacher is doing the Industrial Revolution, what I'd do to support him whilst giving students the chance to enhance their English is to read some Dickens to them, watch a video about the London tube and they do a research on Queen Victoria and the Victorian era by playing a board game where students have to recall and explain what they've learnt in the history lesson - in English!. We then speak about the role of women in the Victorian era, and the role of women now etc etc... Of course it takes time and it requires that teachers co-operate. It's more difficult to put in practice for teachers who see their students once a week only and they're asked to focus on language functions only.

in Pakistan, we are using CLIL unconsciously, without knowing too much about it .according to my experience, it is neither helpful in language learning nor in explaining other subjects.

O.K.: Hello! I work in PLS so I only have English on my English lessons but I know that in our schools teachers do CLIL and it is really interesting. Two teachers cooperate and make a lesson for example of Biology in English. It is challenging but I am sure children like it. I think it is a very sensible method because students understand that they need English not only on their English lessons but in real life; such method widens the world perception and it can be a good motivation to study English and to use it in your life. I like it very much.

I.D.: I start feeling sick when I hear about teaching in schools using other languages but native language of certain country. In our country we have horrible experience forcing all students to to study in one particular language. You can't imagine how hard it is for students to understand science, history or other subjects not using their L1. They start loosing interest in a subject,,. There are many other ways to learn English. Learn from the mistakes of other countries.

P.M.: I often think of the positives about teaching other content to students (outside of grammar and syntax). The idea that I could teach history, or social sciences in English to ESL learners is appealing. In my classroom, I often incorporate mini lessons on these topics. I've even sat in social sciences classes in a school in Denmark with a Danish teacher teaching in English to Mexican students about the Danish social welfare system. The other class they attended was on philosophy, also taught in English by a Danish teacher to Mexican students. The experience was great and would be great if I could teach much more in the same way.

Thinking on the negatives though, I always wonder what happens when we reduce world languages to only a controlling, dominant few? What happens to diversity? What happens to culture? What happens to identity? I don't there are simple outcomes.

I'll keep teaching English and inevitably, through my actions, will push this conundrum forward because , despite the drawbacks, I that coalescing our communication around a dominant language is also inevitable as globalization accelerates.

You can learn more if you sign in for free courses on Future Learn: 

среда, 13 ноября 2019 г.


Лето 2019 было и так и сяк
Началось жаркими днями в конце мая, кончилось в конце июня. Да да, ровно месяц. Ровно два купания в Исконе. В июле топили печку каждый день. Важная заметка: Борис стал понимать просьбу "включи обогреватель" и научился включать. Вот, собственно, и все, что нужно знать о русском лете.

Может, напишу попозже, в красках, а может, и нет...

Приезжала мама с Сашей и Кешей.
Это фотофакт. 
три года не виделись. Время летит! А мы отдаляемся. Семья моей старшей сестры все растет, ждут четвертого, ну да будут здоровы! 

Яблок было очень много и груш. Мы уехали 25 августа, оставив деревья с плодами дозревать и осыпаться. Вот ведь как мир устроен, перерабатывать и хранить невыгодно. Лучше покупать свежее всю зиму на рынке по одному кило, чем в конце лета амбары забивать. Остается лишь переосмысливать наше богатство. 

вторник, 12 ноября 2019 г.

Task Based Learning

Is it the role of the classroom teacher to be an imparter of knowledge to their students? A carer and stand-in parent? A moral guide?
Should the aim of classroom pedagogy be to produce creative individuals, good citizens of the state, or young people with a toolkit of skills which fit them for the world of work? And is it the job of the teacher to offer individual students maximum choice and different learning paths, or to ensure that the whole group of students in their charge progress to common goals?

Cutting across this underlying set of local educational expectations and assumptions, language teaching in the 20th century saw the introduction of ‘modern’ methods, seen as universally applicable and acceptable, such as the ‘communicative approach’, or ‘task based learning’ (Richards & Rogers, 2001).

These methods have achieved considerable impact, again partly because of wider social change, rather than necessarily any intrinsic ‘scientific’ superiority over older methods. They are well adapted to a number of broad shifts in language education goals:

  • The rise in economic prosperity and therefore in universal schooling during the 20th century, which has seen language teaching spread far beyond a small elite;

  • A shift in views of the underlying purposes of education, away from the transmission of high culture (which for languages, meant giving priority in schools to grammar and to literature), toward more utilitarian goals;

  • A ‘standards based’ philosophy of education, which views educational success as the achievement of measurable and pre-determined learning outcomes 

  • Increased emphasis on the development of communication skills, and of oral fluency in particular.

This is an important and widely-used language teaching approach.

Now let's start with comparing it to PPP, which means present, practice, produce. In the PPP classroom the teacher leads and controls everything. So there is limited space for student activity and student agency. PPP also involves a linear syllabus. So there's one chance to master grammatical rules and other elements of language. And finally, in the PPP format, lessons can become a bit tedious and predictable. So not the best way of motivating learners. The alternative which has developed is task based language teaching.

In TBLT the focus is on meaning rather than form, on the things we do with language rather than the features of grammar and other rules. TBLT focuses on activities which engage students in using language in diverse and creative ways. TBLT involves the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. TBLT has the potential to recycle language knowledge such as grammar and vocabulary. TBLT aligns in many ways with theoretical understandings of the processes of language learning. For example, current research into language learning emphasises the importance of meaning based language production. It emphasises 'noticing,' where learners using the language identify what it is they should be using, and also what it is they still have to learn.

And finally, it promotes the notion of 'languaging,' which emphasises the process of working out, actively working out, the language that's needed to complete a given language function. In defining tasks, there - a range of approaches have been developed. According to Willis 1996, tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome. Another interesting area in recent research is the notion of how teachers use tasks. A study by Andon and Eckerth 2009 illustrates four functions for teachers. 

First of all, tasks are ways in which teachers get students to use their own words to communicate their own meanings.

Second, the tasks are contexts in the classroom where the language of the classroom is made more like the language of the real world outside the classroom. 

Third, task structure activities. There's an outcome and then the students have an awareness of the structure of the lesson that the teacher has planned. 

And then finally, they are reference points for language input. So teachers can introduce explicitly or focus on particular language forms which benefit the students. 

To say few words about the future of TBLT.

TBLT with all its variations has become the predominant approach to language teaching, in terms of what we find in course books and other learning materials, in the content of teacher education programmes, and in quality management schemes around the world. While there may be still some questions of effectiveness of TBLT, the promise of greater effectiveness is likely to come from further variations and adaptations of TBLT rather than another teaching method or approach.

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OLySXzZY-4

When is an activity not a task?
Task-based teaching is about creating opportunities for meaning-focused language use.

In other words, learners doing tasks will not just be

  • speaking to practise a new structure e.g. doing a drill or enacting a dialogue or asking and answering questions using the ‘new' patterns;
  • or writing to display their control of certain language items,

These are primarily form-focused activities, designed to practise language items that have been presented earlier. There is a place for form-focused activities in task-based learning (TBL), but activities such as these are not tasks.

Learners doing tasks (i.e. focusing on meanings) will be making free use of whatever English they can recall to express the things that they really want to say or write in the process of achieving the task goal.

What kind of activity is a task?
Willis and Willis (2007:12-14) offer the following criteria in the form of questions.

‘The more confidently you can answer yes to each of these questions, the more task-like the activity.

  1. Will the activity engage learners' interest?
  2. Is there a primary focus on meaning?
  3. Is there a goal or an outcome?
  4. Is success judged in terms of outcome?
  5. Is completion a priority?
  6. Does the activity relate to real world activities?'

Let us consider the task ‘Planning a class night out' in the light of these criteria.

  • I think the lesson would certainly engage my learners' interest, especially if they knew they would actually be going on the chosen night out, so a) is Yes.
  • Learners have strong preferences about nights out and would definitely be meaning what they say, so Yes to b).
  • The first outcome for each pair is their finished plan for the night out, (which must be complete before they tell the class about it so the class can vote on the best plan) and a second outcome might be the real-world night out, so a confident Yes to c), d), e) and f).

Work in pairs. Talk about your grandparents.

  • Tell each other what you know about their past lives.
  • Use the phrases and patterns from the box above.

 Adding a goal or outcome to make a task

For the ‘Grandparents' activity we need to add a goal to give the activity a purpose and make the outcome more specific so that learners know when they have completed the task. Some sample outcomes follow here and you could add one of these sets of instructions, depending on which outcome you think would best engage the learners in your class.

  1. Try to find out three things that your grandparents' and your partner's grandparents' lives had in common. What was the biggest difference between them?
  2. Or
  3. Decide which one of your partner's grandparents was / is the most interesting person and give two reasons why you think so. Then tell the class about him/her and vote to decide on the three most interesting grandparents in the class.
  4. Or
  5. Describe two early memories you have of one particular grandparent. Tell your group. Take notes when listening to each other.
    • Compare your memories - whose were the most interesting, most vivid, most amusing, saddest or strangest?
    • And/Or:
    • Compare your groups' memories and try to find ways to classify them (e.g. to do with food or meal-times? games? outings? being ill? negative / positive things?) Then report your categories to the class, with examples. Did you all have similar ways of classifying?

If learners are clear what the outcome should be, and know the number of things to list or describe, they are more likely to engage with the task, speak with more confidence and know when they have completed it. Successful task achievement will greatly increase their satisfaction and motivation. When, after completing the task cycle, they look more closely at language forms used by others doing similar tasks, they will already be familiar with the contexts and have experienced the need for some of those forms.

Source  article: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/criteria-identifying-tasks-tbl?page=1

Join in the course 'Understanding Language'

понедельник, 11 ноября 2019 г.

Strategies for teaching Reading

It has never come to my mind that there is no successfull reading aloud for comprehension in the classroom, so never do it. You've got to have a purpose to do reading aloud activities wich is not comprehension or reading for gist. It just does not work.

I loved this article (which I've copied below)


If you were to ask, most teachers would agree improving reading comprehension is about teaching students how to think while reading.

The truth is your learners need practical guidance before they read. In that spirit, here is a step-by-step guide that can help your students improve their reading comprehension significantly.


Writing a one-page handout detailing your ideas about reading comprehension and why it’s important can be helpful. You can include your ideas about subjects such as taking notes, setting goals, and asking questions. Additionally, connect the importance of improving reading comprehension to something practical and relevant to them like texting, emails, and blogs. Share these written thoughts with your learners and use the handout as a reminder throughout the school year.


Prior to each reading assignment, you should tell students what you want them to learn from the text. Ask them a few questions and tell them you want to discuss the answers in the next class. They should also write down your questions and use them in group discussions of their own.


Prior to each reading assignment, you should tell students what you want them to learn from the text. Ask them a few questions and tell them you want to discuss the answers in the next class. They should also write down your questions and use them in group discussions of their own.


Students should read your questions and/or the book’s questions before they begin reading. This should help them know when to focus on text and when to skim it. In other words, thinking before reading can help them be selective instead of trying to comprehend every sentence. The questions can also help them formulate their own questions before they begin reading.


Teaching students to set goals before they read is also a good idea. Initially, the goal might be to answer your questions. Eventually, they should be able to set their own goals such as “I want to understand why the Civil War started.” “Before reading, good readers tend to set goals for their reading,” reports the article “What Research Tells Us About Reading, Comprehension, and Comprehension Instruction.” “They are likely to focus more of their attention on the parts of the text that are most closely tied to their reading goals.”


Perhaps the most important tip you can give learners about how to read is that their reading comprehension is most likely to improve when they stop reading. Students should be thinking while they’re reading rather than reading continuously. Thus, they should be taught to stop when they are confused or have a question or thought about what they have just read. Teaching students to stop and think might lead them to reread what they have just read or seek the answers to their questions in the material that they haven’t read yet.


It's likely most of your high school classmates did not take notes while they did their schoolwork. In college, though, everyone took notes in their textbooks. Your students should know that college students regularly highlight important material via underlining, circles, and notes in margins. They can take notes too, in notebooks rather than textbooks. Students should be encouraged to stop reading after they have read something important and write down that fact, point, or argument. They should also be writing the answers to your pre-reading assignment questions.


Reading doesn’t accomplish much in and of itself. Reading assignments should be connected to future class discussions, oral presentations, tests, or reports. Thus, you should urge students to stop reading when they think of a point they want to make for a class discussion, oral presentation, test, or report. They should write down their points. Emphasize that they can prepare for a test while reading. There is nothing wrong with giving students an idea about questions on tests. You want them to practice improving their skills so they’re ready when they’re being graded.


“Some good readers may also create mental images, or visualize a setting, event, or character to help them understand a passage in a text,” the Texas Education Agency wrote. Are students more apt to recall what happened at the Yalta Conference if they can visualize U.S. leader Franklin D. Roosevelt, United Kingdom leader Winston Churchill, and Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin talking about what to do after World War II ended? Some will. It’s a good idea to mention to students, who could also learn better by studying the text’s photos and captions.


Asking students to write summaries of what they have read sounds like you're requiring them to do a lot of work , but you can emphasize that these summaries can reduce how much time they spend studying, or cramming, for a test. Essentially, these summaries can be homework. They can also help students prepare for class discussions and oral presentations.

Some more about teaching Reading (taken from the Workshop 'Developing Reading Sub-skills - by M.Meshcheryakova M.)

Global Reading Strategies
settitg goals before reading and reading selectively to achieve those goals
* activating prior knowledge
previewing the text
* forming predictions
* monitoring the accuracy of those predictions and modifying them where necessary

making summaries
* connecting knowledge gained from the text tobackground knowledge
* identifying central arguments

* forming appropriate questions about the text
* using text structure to predict direction of the text
* inferring meaning fromcontext

Top-down Reading Sub-skills

1. Identifying and understanding the gist
2. Identifying the topic of the text and recognising the topic changes
3. Distinguishing key information from less important one
4. Inferring the writer's attitude
5. Following the development of an argument
6. Following the sequence of a narrative
7. Paraphrasing the text

Bottom-up Reading Sub-skills
1. Recognising the script
2. Recognising words and identifying their grammatical function
3. Understanding vocabulary
4. Recognising grammar features such as word endings, and being able to 'unpack' the syntax of the sentence
5. Recognising discourse markers and other cohesive devices
6. Identifying text type, text purpose and text organisation

Considerations about reading

There are good readers and poor readers in L1 as well as in L2,
so in my classes there going to be a differentiated system of reading tasks and different interactive strategies like pair or group work, information gap reading, mingle activity, etc.

The transfer of L1 reading skills to L2 reading skills is important.
I'd better relate to this overtly, namely...
It's essential to start with global understanding and move
towards detailed understanding, so first reading tasks could
be, for example, one of the following: reading for gist, summarizing, defining the style or genre, giving a title to the passage, picture drawing.

And the second can be, for example, telling the story from the point of view of a different character. Or answering special questions to practice some grammatical structures. Or creating a mind map to deduce inferred meaning and author's attitude.

I remember the huge variety of text types in real life, so in the classroom I try to give not only stories and articles, but blogue posts, menues, catalogues, adverticements, pictures and comments to them, etc. Learners would soon learn to tell the difference between the styles and register of the texts. 

I remember the wide variety of reasons for reading in real life, and I give realistic tasks. I like integrating skills. Reading is a social skill, so I encourage appropriate responses to reading, such as discussions, writing essays, making predictions or writing alternative endings. I appreciate learners for setting their own goals, let them focus their attention on the parts which are close to their reading goals.

Reading is a social skill, so I encourage appropriate responses to reading,
such as expressing learners' ideas, agreement/disagreement with the author, writing an alternative ending, acting out some scenes (for stories).
If we deal with non-fiction text, if it is a prospect, catalogue, some product description the tasks could be: making orders, choices, writing reports to a technical support or  refund requests, or giving a recommendation to a friend.

Use authentic texts wherever possible. By simplifying we often destroy the reference, the redundancy and discourse markers that actually help to make the text more accessible. What we can and must vary, simplify/make more difficult is the goals setting, but not the text.

I usually encourage learners to deduce the meaning of lexis from the text, rather than getting stuck on in dividual words, let the interest etc. of the text keep them at discourse level for as
long as possible. What I do for this purpose is...
Using symbols while reading
V – I agree with this
X – I disagree with this
? – I don’t understand fully
! – this is surprising/shocking
lol – this is funny

create some interactive tasks, games, word hunts, scaffolding and gesticulation.

I avoid always promoting linguistic reasons for reading. I encourage extensive reading, reading for pleasure. 

I keep askig questions:
“Did you enjoy that?"
Was the information new for you?
What ideas mentioned in the text were new for you? 
What would you do if you were one of the characters?
Would you like to read more of this author?
Have you expected a different ending?
How you assess yourself, was it too hard or too easy, rate it between one and ten points.

My students love alternative comprehension ways, such as
drawings, mental visualization, pantomime, mimicking sounds, summarizing with the help of emoji.

3 principles of designing you task:
Setting purposes

Open-ended tasks and activities are loved by Ss, not so boring, require more creativity, develop skills instead of testing.

понедельник, 28 октября 2019 г.

Что с нами не так? Как уживаются религия и наука?

Понравилась статья. Очень.
Копирую полностью.

В плену атеистов и шизофреников: что не так с религией и образованием

воскресенье, 27 октября 2019 г.

Reflective journal

What's new in the methology:

I remember this classification of skills from my course in the Linguistic University: there are active skills (speaking and writing) and passive (listening and reading).
However today this idea is so much outdated.
Receptive skills are not passive skills, because our brain works hard while listening or reading it is a complicated process of interaction with the text.

Teachers do not point out the mistakes, they show the points of growth. One part of me likes these ideas whereas the other feels a trap to fall into. Aren't we brining up a generation of weak millenials,who are not able to work under pressure? 

How would you feel if you heard these words from your teacher:

Dear _____ (name), I can see your hard work and I like the way you can do this, and this...  I've noticed some progress you are making here and here... You are good at learning particular things... And if you want to know youi points of growth I can help you to work on this... I believe you can do better here, let's practice more here...

Wow, these words can be so inspiring and encouraging for any learner! Have you just noticed that the teacher actually was talking about the mistakes? Have you noticed any critics? No. It sounds absolutely positive. Great job! 

We want to bring up confident and successful generation, put this idea in all minds: 'you can succeed'. But how about the opposite thing, teaching to face difficulties? Facing some critics? Dealing with mistakes and self-correction? Isn't all these sweet-talking doing a bad favour? The learners who can't go on if they don't get praised and admired. The teachers who do not dare to point out the mist... misakes. The learners who can not stand the pressure of a hard task.

Am I exaggerating? Yes, a bit. I am just practicing writing a piece of text. Isn't it too emotional? Would be glad to share with anyone and get some feedback. No. The truth is: I want to be praised for my job :) kidding.

Watch this nice video about the job interview 



Connectivist learning is concerned with the connections we make with each other and how we learn from each other in informal and formal, online, connected spaces. It has been described by one researcher (Siemens) as ‘a learning theory for the digital age’.

One of the key ideas in a connected theory of learning is that we learn through the diverse, personal connections that we make via the internet. It is the maintenance and development of our personal network which enables us to learn in the 21st century environment.

Connectivism stresses that TWO IMPORTANT SKILLS that contribute to learning are the ability to seek out current information, and the ability to filter secondary and extraneous information.  Simply put, “The capacity to know is more critical than what is actually known” (Siemens, 2008, para. 6). 

Teacher's Tools

My favourite free tool for screencasting is called Loom. 
Teacher's blog http://www.kathleenamorris.com/

Global Inglishes

Today, English is used as a world common language. And this status of the English is primarily the result of two main factors. The first is the expulsion of British empire, between the 17th and 19th century. The second is the emergence of the United States of America as the world economic power in the 20th century. 
English is also a common language of science. It is estimated that about 80% of scientific journals are now published in the English. 

Given this dominant role of English, it is understandable unpredictable that English is now taught as a second or foreign language in most countries across the world. And this fact might make you wonder, how many people in the world speak English today? This is actually, a very difficult question to answer. Because it is hard to define who should be counted as English speakers when there are so many people with different English proficiency levels. However, David Crystal roughly estimates that there are about 2 billion English speakers in the world. Of which, 400 million are native English speakers.And 1.6 billion are non-native English speakers. This means that now, non-native English speakers outnumber native English speakers by a ratio of four to one. This figure is only predicted to grow in the future, due to the enthusiastic adoption of English in educational policies in large population centres, such as China. 

Whereas English is seen positivity as a tool that enhances intercultural communication and mutual understanding, it is also seen as a killer language that grows at the expense of other languages and cultures.

Moreover, while English can be seen as an opportunity provider that gives us a chance to be active in the international arena, it can also be seen as a gatekeeper that gives disadvantages to some people who do not speak English. Or whose mother tongue is not English. 

среда, 11 сентября 2019 г.


Мое здоровье. Не помню, чтобы я отличалась энергичностью и выносливостью в свои 20 лет. Совершенно неспортивная, дремлящая на утомительных лекциях студентка иняза, малоподвижная молодость. Могу сказать одно: спорт был вроде как не в моде в нулевые, в Иркутске. Если у тебя нет освобождения от физры, то ты как бы лох, носишь форму с собой? Да ну ты че? И как, одна небось на уроке с тренером/тренершей? Ну да, практически так оно и было. Помню ездила на коньки, совершенно одна, Инязовский стадион был расположен на другом берегу от Универа, нужно было иметь большое желание, чтобы явиться на физру. В общем, спорт был эпизодическим.

В двадцать восемь я родила дочку. Беременность меня наделила варикозом. Спустя всего один месяц после родов я стала дома, в своей комнатке, в любое доступное время суток (даже ночью) пробовать свои силы на базовых тренировках. По началу не могла держать элементарный баланс, выполняя прыжки "ножницы". Но прогресс шел легко, я пробовала новое, открывала новое. Мой первый смартфончик позволил мне в любой момент включить тренировочку из ютюба и выполнять вместе с какой-нибудь фитоняшей в реальном времени. Моя первая наставница была очень субтильная Кристина с её каналом fitberry. Я узнала о табата (высокоинтенсивные интервальные тренировки), для чего установила интервальный таймер (приложение). Результаты ошеломляющие! Очень быстро привела себя в форму.
Позже Кристина из ютюба куда-то делась, мне сильно её не хватало, я вышла на Зюзку (Zuzka Light) с таким же подходом HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Кроме этого я пыталась понять что такое йога, как правильно делать асаны. По видео этому научиться не просто, нужен был человек, который бы направил, исправил, обратил мое внимание на нюансы. И я таких людей находила, это все происходило во время пребывания на Кипре (спасибо огромное Марине, Оксане Б. Сергею Б.)
Любила ставить разные новые задачи, challenges, например, приседание "пистолетик" по 4 на каждую ногу вполне тянула, подтягивалась 4 р, мечтала увеличить до 12 р. Укрепляла руки, практиковала перевернутые позы и планки, стремилась встать на руки.

В тридцать лет у меня появился абонемент в фитнес клуб Онегин в центре Москвы. Тут я узнала пилатес, аква-аэробику, степ-платформу,  велотренажер (кстати - огонь!) Я чувствовала себя бодрее и моложе, чем в 20!

В общем, мой спортивный стаж рос вместе с дочкой. Вторая беременность очень сильно пошатнула мою веру в свои силы. В 34 года я практически исключила все виды занятий. Я думала, что мне будет легко повторить свой первый опыт приведения себя в форму после родов. Я ошибалась. В моем организме нарушились все системы. Бег и силовые уже не приносят ни радости, ни энергии. Я вдруг поняла, что трачу себя, накапливается усталость, болят суставы, ощущаю асимметрию во всем теле, боль в спине, в мышцах появляются судороги, то ли гигрома кистевых суставов, то ли болезнь Хаглунда на пятке. Много всего. Все идет не так. Буквально бросила все. Но и это не правильно. Очень мечтаю вернуться к активности.

Очень обидно что ли. Не разобралась даже в чем суть. Вроде бы как войти в спорт с нуля было легко, никаких проблем, все везде тянулось, наклоны, развороты, выпады, скручивания... - все что хошь. А сейчас не могу выполнить обычный наклон, провисание вперед. Поясница не позволит потом встать, так и рухну.

Связываю с кормлением. Да, уже год и восемь месяцев все еще кормлю Бориса грудью. Мечтаю через месяц прекратить ГВ и вот тогда... Например, ходить по утрам на набережную, спортивным шагом до завтрака. Ну или до школы дочь отводить.
Наверное, и питаться буду  правильно. Хочу меньше сахара. Но именно к сахару есть тяга. Могу без колбасы, без мяса, а без сладенького как-то и день не мил...

Урррааааа! я наконец купила валик (цилиндр, ролик, whatever) для пилатеса 15х90 см!  Заказали на Wildberries, хотя присматривала на Aliexpress. В первый же день намассировала спину чуть не до синяков. Яркая игрушка. Дети спорят за право обладать ею одновременно, а потом весь день валяется никому не нужная штуковина :)

четверг, 5 сентября 2019 г.


Here is the book that I am reading: Kate Fox watching eng

And I should say this is an enjoyable reading due to the style. It is humorously scientific. Must reads for anyone who wants to take a deeper dive in learning English.

I have this strange habit of taking notes to my blog which ends in copying large extracts of the book. And I can't help it: I cherry-picked the best parts the most delicious ones - and you know how irony needs context. So here you go: I copypaste so much text. I hope one can enjoy it as much as I do.

Kate Fox. Watching the English:

 I have just spent an exhausting morning accidentally-on-purpose bumping into people and counting the number who said 'Sorry'

Ludicrous - idiotic, unthinkable, daft
Reciprocal  /rɪˈsɪprək(ə)l/ mutual, two-way

Why am I doing this? What exactly is the point of all this ludicrous bumping and jumping (not to mention all the equally daft things I'll be doing tomorrow)? Good question. Perhaps I'd better explain.

Spate - a spate of books
A river flood ; an overflow or inundation
- наводнение
alleged [ə'leʤd] - мнимый, предполагаемый
elegy ['elɪʤɪ] - плач, погребальная песня
demise [dɪ'maɪz] - кончина


We are constantly being told that the English have lost their national identity - that there is no such thing as 'Englishness'. There has been a spate of books bemoaning this alleged identity crisis, with titles ranging from the plaintive 'Anyone for England?' to the inconsolable England: An Elegy. Having spent much of the past twelve years doing research on various aspects of English culture and social behaviour - in pubs, at racecourses, in shops, in night-clubs, on trains, on street corners - I am convinced that there is such a thing as 'Englishness', and that reports of its demise have been greatly exaggerated. 

Dress-down Friday custom

hair-splitting ['hɛǝˌsplɪtɪŋ] - ссора из-за пустяков, занудство
irreverence [ɪ'rev(ə)rəns] - непочтительность, неуважение
Heresy - ересь, ложь, лжеучение
maverick ['mæv(ə)rɪk] - раскольник, белая ворона, вольнодумец
iconoclast [aɪ'kɔnəklæst] - борец с предрассудками, иконоборец

There is a great deal of agonizing and hair-splitting among anthropologists over the participant-observation method and the role of the participant observer. In my last book, The Racing Tribe, I made a joke of this, borrowing the language of self-help psychobabble and expressing the problem as an ongoing battle between my Inner Participant and my Inner Observer. I described the bitchy squabbles in which these two Inner voices engaged every time a conflict arose between my roles as honorary member of the tribe and detached scientist. (Given the deadly serious tones in which this subject is normally debated, my irreverence bordered on heresy, so I was surprised and rather unreasonably annoyed to receive a letter from a university lecturer saying that he was using The Racing Tribe to teach the participant-observation method. You try your best to be a maverick iconoclast, and they turn you into a textbook.)

salubrious [sə'lu:brɪəs] - благотворный, полезный для здоровья

In the macho field of ethnography, my avoidance of discomfort and irrational preference for cultures with indoor plumbing are regarded as quite unacceptably feeble, so I have, until recently, tried to redeem myself a bit by studying the less salubrious aspects of English life: conducting research in violent pubs, seedy nightclubs, run-down betting shops and the like. Yet after years of research on aggression, disorder, violence, crime and other forms of deviance and dysfunction, all of which invariably take place in disagreeable locations and at inconvenient times, I still seemed to have risen no higher in the estimation of mud-hut ethnographers accustomed to much harsher conditions.

So, having failed my trial-by-fieldwork initiation test, I reasoned that I might as well turn my attention to the subject that really interests me, namely: the causes of good behaviour. This is a fascinating field of enquiry, which has been almost entirely neglected by social scientists. With a few notable exceptions,2 social scientists tend to be obsessed with the dysfunctional, rather than the desirable, devoting all their energies to researching the causes of behaviours our society wishes to prevent, rather than those we might wish to encourage.

when it was safe to overtake. 
layman ['leɪmən] - обыватель, неспециалист

A schoolteacher and an estate agent would both technically be 'middle class'. They might even both live in a terraced house, drive a Volvo, drink in the same pub and earn roughly the same annual income. But we judge social class in much more subtle and complex ways: precisely how you arrange, furnish and decorate your terraced house; not just the make of car you drive, but whether you wash it yourself on Sundays, take it to a car wash or rely on the English climate to sluice off the worst of the dirt for you. Similar fine distinctions are applied to exactly what, where, when, how and with whom you eat and drink; the words you use and how you pronounce them; where and how you shop; the clothes you wear; the pets you keep; how you spend your free time; the chat-up lines you use and so on.

crude [kru:d] cruel+rude or crap+rude крайне неприличный, вызывающий отвращение

Immigrants can, of course, choose to 'go native', and some in this country become 'more English than the English'. Among my own friends, the two I would most readily describe as 'very English' are a first-generation Indian immigrant and a first-generation Polish refugee. In both cases, their degree of Englishness was initially a conscious choice, and although it has since become second nature, they can still stand back and analyse their behaviour - and explain the rules they have learnt to obey - in a way that most native English find difficult, as we tend to take these things for granted.

abysmal [ə'bɪzməl] крайний, плохой, беспредельный,неизмеримый

our conversations about the weather are not really about the weather at all: English weather-speak is a form of code, evolved to help us overcome our natural reserve and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows, for example, that 'Nice day, isn't it?', 'Ooh, isn't it cold?', 'Still raining, eh?' and other variations on the theme are not requests for meteorological data: they are ritual greetings, conversation-starters or default 'fillers'. In other words, English weather-speak is a form of 'grooming talk' - the human equivalent of what is known as 'social grooming' among our primate cousins, where they spend hours grooming each other's fur, even when they are perfectly clean, as a means of social bonding.

In fact, 'Ooh, isn't it cold?' - like 'Nice day, isn't it?' and all the others - is English code for 'I'd like to talk to you - will you talk to me?', or, if you like, simply another way of saying 'hello'. 

Agreement rule
in England 'You must never contradict anybody when discussing the weather'. We have already established that weather-speak greetings or openers such as 'Cold, isn't it?' must be reciprocated, but etiquette also requires that the response express agreement, as in 'Yes, isn't it?' or 'Mmm, very cold'.

Failure to agree in this manner is a serious breach of etiquette. When the priest says 'Lord, have mercy upon us', you do not respond 'Well, actually, why should he?' You intone, dutifully, 'Christ, have mercy upon us'. In the same way, it would be very rude to respond to 'Ooh, isn't it cold?' with 'No, actually, it's quite mild'.

If you deliberately break the rule (as I duly did, on several occasions, in the interests of science), you will find that the atmosphere becomes rather tense and awkward, and possibly somewhat huffy. No one will actually complain or make a big scene about it (we have rules about complaining and making a fuss), but they will be offended, and this will show in subtle ways. There may be an uncomfortable silence, then someone may say, in piqued tones, 'Well, it feels cold to me,' or 'Really? Do you think so?' - or, most likely, they will either change the subject or continue talking about the weather among themselves, politely, if frostily, ignoring your faux pas.

Too much snow, like too much of anything, is to be deplored. Even warmth and sunshine are only acceptable in moderation: too many consecutive hot, sunny days and it is customary to start fretting about drought, muttering about hose-pipe bans and reminding each other, in doom-laden tones, of the summer of 1976.
The worst possible weather-speak offence is one mainly committed by foreigners, particularly Americans, and that is to belittle the English weather. When the summer temperature reaches the high twenties, and we moan, 'Phew, isn't it hot?', we do not take kindly to visiting Americans or Australians laughing and scoffing and saying 'Call this hot? This is nothing. You should come to Texas [Brisbane] if you wanna see hot!'

Eventually, there may be an opportunity to exchange names, providing this can be achieved in a casual, unforced manner, although it is always best to wait for the other person to take the initiative. Should you reach the end of a long, friendly evening without having introduced yourself, you may say, on parting, 'Goodbye, nice to meet you, er, oh - I didn't catch your name?' as though you have only just noticed the omission. Your new acquaintance should then divulge his or her name, and you may now, at last, introduce yourself - but in an offhand way, as though it is not a matter of any importance: 'I'm Bill, by the way.'

One perceptive Dutch tourist, after listening attentively to my explanation of this procedure, commented: 'Oh, I see. It is like Alice Through the Looking Glass: you do everything the wrong way round.' I had not thought of recommending Alice as a guide to English etiquette, but on reflection it seems like quite a good idea.

Whatever its origins or dubious logic, the prejudice against 'Pleased to meet you' is still quite widespread, often among people who do not know why it is that they feel uneasy about using the phrase. They just have a vague sense that there is something not quite right about it. But even among those with no class prejudice about 'Pleased to meet you', who believe it is the correct and polite thing to say, this greeting is rarely delivered with ringing confidence: it is usually mumbled rather awkwardly, and as quickly as possible - 'Plstmtye'. This awkwardness may, perversely, occur precisely because people believe they are saying the 'correct' thing. Formality is embarrassing. But then, informality is embarrassing. Everything is embarrassing.

The Embarrassment Rule

In fact, the only rule one can identify with any certainty in all this confusion over introductions and greetings is that, to be impeccably English, one must perform these rituals badly. One must appear self-conscious, ill-at-ease, stiff, awkward and, above all, embarrassed. Smoothness, glibness and confidence are inappropriate and un-English. Hesitation, dithering and ineptness are, surprising as it may seem, correct behaviour. Introductions should be performed as hurriedly as possible, but also with maximum inefficiency. If disclosed at all, names must be mumbled; hands should be tentatively half-proffered and then clumsily withdrawn; the approved greeting is something like 'Er, how, um, plstm-, er, hello?'

I would add that a disproportionate number of our most influential social rules and maxims are concerned with the maintenance of privacy: we are taught to mind our own business, not to pry, to keep ourselves to ourselves, not to make a scene or a fuss or draw attention to ourselves, and never to wash our dirty linen in public. It is worth noting here that 'How are you?' is only treated as a 'real' question among very close personal friends or family; everywhere else, the automatic, ritual response is 'Fine, thanks', 'OK, thanks', 'Oh, mustn't grumble', 'Not bad, thanks' or some equivalent, whatever your physical or mental state. If you are terminally ill, it is acceptable to say 'Not bad, considering'.

It is not considered entirely polite, for example, to ask someone directly 'What do you do?', although if you think about it, this is the most obvious question to put to a new acquaintance, and the easiest way to start a conversation. But in addition to our privacy scruples, we English seem to have a perverse need to make social life difficult for ourselves, so etiquette requires us to find a more roundabout, indirect way of discovering what people do for a living. It can be most amusing to listen to the tortured and devious lengths to which English people will go to ascertain a new acquaintance's profession without actually asking the forbidden question. The guessing game, which is played at almost every middle-class social gathering where people are meeting each other for the first time, involves attempting to guess a person's occupation from 'clues' in remarks made about other matters.

Similar guessing-game techniques are often used to find out where people live, whether they are married, what school or university they went to, and so on. Some direct questions are more impolite than others. It is less rude, for example, to ask 'Where do you live?' than 'What do you do?', but even this relatively inoffensive question is much better phrased in a more indirect manner, such as 'Do you live nearby?', or even more obliquely 'Have you come far?' It is more acceptable to ask whether someone has children than to ask whether he or she is married, so the former question is generally used as a roundabout way of prompting clues that will provide the answer to the latter. 

The Reciprocal Disclosure Strategy

If you are determined to find out about your new English friend's own marital relations, or any other 'private' matter, you will probably have to resort to the Reciprocal Disclosure Strategy. There is a more or less universal rule whereby people almost unconsciously try to achieve some degree of symmetry or balance in their conversations, such that if you tell them something about your own 'private' life, the other person will feel obliged, if only out of reflex politeness, to reciprocate with a comparably personal disclosure. You can then gradually escalate the level of intimacy by making your next disclosure somewhat more revealing, in the hope of eliciting an equivalent response, and so on.

Exception to the Privacy Rules
The 'print exception' 
A newspaper or magazine columnist may tell millions of complete strangers about her messy divorce, her breast cancer, her eating disorder, her worries about cellulite, or whatever, but she will not take kindly to being asked personal questions about such matters by an individual stranger at a private social event. Her taboo-breaking is purely professional; in real life, she observes the English privacy and distance rules like everyone else, discussing private matters only with close friends, and regarding personal questions from anyone outside this inner circle as impertinent and intrusive. 
Just as you would not ask a professional topless model to take her top off at a family Sunday lunch, so you do not ask professional soul-barers to bare their souls over the canapes at a private party.

Nor am I saying that English conversation codes do not allow men to express emotion. English males are allowed to express emotion. Well, they are allowed to express some emotions. Three, to be precise: surprise, providing it is conveyed by expletives; anger, generally communicated in the same manner; and elation/triumph, which again often involves shouting and swearing. It can thus sometimes be rather hard to tell exactly which of the three permitted emotions an Englishman is attempting to express.

Once you have become sufficiently sensitized to these distinctions, the Importance of Not Being Earnest rule is really quite simple. Seriousness is acceptable, solemnity is prohibited. Sincerity is allowed, earnestness is strictly forbidden. Pomposity and self-importance are outlawed. Serious matters can be spoken of seriously, but one must never take oneself too seriously. The ability to laugh at ourselves, although it may be rooted in a form of arrogance, is one of the more endearing characteristics of the English. (At least, I hope I am right about this: if I have overestimated our ability to laugh at ourselves, this book will be rather unpopular.)

unseemly - неподобающ, недостойн
Concur - совпадать, пересекаться
Understatement - недосказанность, замалчивание

The English may not always be joking, but they are always in a state of readiness for humour. We do not always say the opposite of what we mean, but we are always alert to the possibility of irony. When we ask someone a straightforward question (e.g. 'How are the children?'), we are equally prepared for either a straightforward response ('Fine, thanks.') or an ironic one ('Oh, they're delightful - charming, helpful, tidy, studious...' To which the reply is 'Oh dear. Been one of those days, has it?').

The understatement rule means that a debilitating and painful chronic illness must be described as 'a bit of a nuisance'; a truly horrific experience is 'well, not exactly what I would have chosen'; a sight of breathtaking beauty is 'quite pretty'; an outstanding performance or achievement is 'not bad'; an act of abominable cruelty is 'not very friendly', and an unforgivably stupid misjudgement is 'not very clever'; the Antarctic is 'rather cold' and the Sahara 'a bit too hot for my taste'; and any exceptionally delightful object, person or event, which in other cultures would warrant streams of superlatives, is pretty much covered by 'nice', or, if we wish to express more ardent approval, 'very nice'.

My fiance is a brain surgeon. When we first met, I asked what had led him to choose this profession. 'Well, um,' he replied, 'I read PPE [Philosophy, Politics and Economics] at Oxford, but I found it all rather beyond me, so, er, I thought I'd better do something a bit less difficult.' I laughed, but then, as he must have expected, protested that surely brain surgery could not really be described as an easy option. This gave him a further opportunity for self-deprecation. 'Oh no, it's nowhere near as clever as it's cracked up to be; to be honest it's actually a bit hit-or-miss. It's just plumbing, really, plumbing with a microscope - except plumbing's rather more accurate.' It later emerged, as he must have known it would, that far from finding the intellectual demands of Oxford 'beyond him', he had entered with a scholarship and graduated with a First. 'I was a dreadful little swot,' he explained.

The problems arise when we English attempt to play this game with people from outside our own culture, who do not understand the rules, fail to appreciate the irony, and therefore have an unfortunate tendency to take our self-deprecating statements at face value. We make our customary modest noises, the uninitiated foreigners accept our apparently low estimate of our achievements, and are duly unimpressed. We cannot very well then turn round and say: 'No, hey, wait a minute, you're supposed to give me a sort of knowingly sceptical smile, showing that you realize I'm being humorously self-deprecating, don't believe a word of it and think even more highly of my abilities and my modesty'. They don't know that this is the prescribed English response to prescribed English self-deprecation. They don't know that we are playing a convoluted bluffing game. They inadvertently call our bluff, and the whole thing backfires on us. And frankly, it serves us right for being so silly.



Just because the English have 'a good sense of humour' does not mean that we are easily amused - quite the opposite: our keen, finely tuned sense of humour, and our irony-saturated culture probably make us harder to amuse than most other nations.Whether or not this results in better comedy is another matter, but my impression is that it certainly seems to result in an awful lot of comedy - good, bad or indifferent; if the English are not amused, it is clearly not for want of effort on the part of our prolific humorists.

I say this with genuine sympathy, as to be honest the kind of anthropology I do is not far removed from stand-up comedy - at least, the sort of stand-up routines that involve a lot of jokes beginning 'Have you ever noticed how people always...?' The best stand-up comics invariably follow this with some pithy, acute, clever observation on the minutiae of human behaviour and social relations. Social scientists like me try hard to do the same, but there is a difference: the stand-up comics have to get it right. If their observation does not 'ring true' or 'strike a chord', they don't get a laugh, and if this happens too often, they don't make a living. Social scientists can talk utter rubbish for years and still pay their mortgages. At its best, however, social science can sometimes be almost as insightful as good stand-up comedy.

The 'guiding principles' of English humour are classless. The taboo on earnestness, and the rules of irony, understatement and self-deprecation transcend all class barriers. 

There is also something quintessentially English about the nature of our response to earnestness. The 'Oh, come off it!' rule encapsulates a peculiarly English blend of armchair cynicism, ironic detachment, a squeamish distaste for sentimentality, a stubborn refusal to be duped or taken in by fine rhetoric, and a mischievous delight in pinpricking the balloons of pomposity and self-importance.


One cannot talk about English conversation codes without talking about class. And one cannot talk at all without immediately revealing one's own social class. 

There are two main factors involved in the calculation of this position: terminology and pronunciation - the words you use and how you say them. Pronunciation is a more reliable indicator (it is relatively easy to learn the terminology of a different class), so I'll start with that.


The first class indicator concerns which type of letter you favour in your pronunciation - or rather, which type you fail to pronounce. Those at the top of the social scale like to think that their way of speaking is 'correct', as it is clear and intelligible and accurate, while lower-class speech is 'incorrect', a 'lazy' way of talking - unclear, often unintelligible, and just plain wrong. Exhibit A in this argument is the lower-class failure to pronounce consonants, in particular the glottal stop - the omission (swallowing, dropping) of 't's - and the dropping of 'h's. But this is a case of the pot calling the kettle (or ke'le, if you prefer) black. The lower ranks may drop their consonants, but the upper class are equally guilty of dropping their vowels. If you ask them the time, for example, the lower classes may tell you it is ''alf past ten' but the upper class will say 'hpstn'. A handkerchief in working-class speech is ''ankercheef', but in upper-class pronunciation becomes 'hnkrchf'.

Upper-class vowel-dropping may be frightfully smart, but it still sounds like a mobile-phone text message, and unless you are used to this clipped, abbreviated way of talking, it is no more intelligible than lower-class consonant-dropping. The only advantage of this SMS-speak is that it can be done without moving the mouth very much, allowing the speaker to maintain an aloof, deadpan expression and a stiff upper lip.

The upper class, and the upper-middle and middle-middle classes, do at least pronounce their consonants correctly - well, you'd better, if you're going to leave out half of your vowels - whereas the lower classes often pronounce 'th' as 'f' ('teeth' becomes 'teef', 'thing' becomes 'fing') or sometimes as 'v' ('that' becomes 'vat', 'Worthing' is 'Worving'). Final 'g's can become 'k's, as in 'somefink' and 'nuffink'. Pronunciation of vowels is also a helpful class indicator. Lower-class 'a's are often pronounced as long 'i's - Dive for Dave, Tricey for Tracey. (Working-class Northerners tend to elongate the 'a's, and might also reveal their class by saying 'Our Daaave' and 'Our Traaacey'.) Working class 'i's, in turn, may be pronounced 'oi', while some very upper-class 'o's become 'or's, as in 'naff orf'. But the upper class don't say 'I' at all if they can help it: one prefers to refer to oneself as 'one'. In fact, they are not too keen on pronouns in general, omitting them, along with articles and conjunctions, wherever possible - as though they were sending a frightfully expensive telegram. Despite all these peculiarities, the upper classes remain convinced that their way of speaking is the only proper way: their speech is the norm, everyone else's is 'an accent' - and when the upper classes say that someone speaks with 'an accent', what they mean is a working-class accent.

The Seven Deadly Sins

There are, however, seven words that the English uppers and upper-middles regard as infallible shibboleths. Utter any one of these 'seven deadly sins' in the presence of these higher classes, and their on-board class-radar devices will start bleeping and flashing: you will immediately be demoted to middle-middle class, at best, probably lower - and in some cases automatically classified as working class.


This word is the most notorious pet hate of the upper and upper-middle classes. Jilly Cooper recalls overhearing her son telling a friend 'Mummy says that "pardon" is a much worse word than "fuck"'. He was quite right: to the uppers and upper-middles, using such an unmistakably lower-class term is worse than swearing. Some even refer to lower-middle-class suburbs as 'Pardonia'. Here is a good class-test you can try: when talking to an English person, deliberately say something too quietly for them to hear you properly. A lower-middle or middle-middle person will say 'Pardon?'; an upper-middle will say 'Sorry?' (or perhaps 'Sorry - what?' or 'What - sorry?'); but an upper-class and a working-class person will both just say 'What?' The working-class person may drop the 't' - 'Wha'?' - but this will be the only difference. Some upper-working-class people with middle-class aspirations might say 'pardon', in a misguided attempt to sound 'posh'.


'Toilet' is another word that makes the higher classes flinch - or exchange knowing looks, if it is uttered by a would-be social climber. The correct upper-middle/upper term is 'loo' or 'lavatory' (pronounced lavuhtry, with the accent on the first syllable). 'Bog' is occasionally acceptable, but only if it is said in an obviously ironic-jocular manner, as though in quotes. The working classes all say 'toilet', as do most lower-middles and middle-middles, the only difference being the working-class omission of the final 't'. (The working classes may also sometimes say 'bog', but without the ironic quotation marks.) Those lower- and middle-middles with pretensions or aspirations, however, may eschew 'toilet' in favour of suburban-genteel euphemisms such as 'gents', 'ladies', 'bathroom', 'powder room', 'facilities' and 'convenience'; or jokey euphemisms such as 'latrines', 'heads' and 'privy' (females tend to use the former, males the latter).


There is nothing wrong with the word 'dinner' in itself: it is only a working-class hallmark if you use it to refer to the midday meal, which should be called 'lunch'. Calling your evening meal 'tea' is also a working-class indicator: the higher echelons call this meal 'dinner' or 'supper'. (Technically, a dinner is a somewhat grander meal than a supper: if you are invited to 'supper', this is likely to be an informal family meal, eaten in the kitchen - sometimes this is made explicit, as in 'family supper' or 'kitchen supper'. The uppers and upper-middles use the term 'supper' more than the middle- and lower-middles). 'Tea', for the higher classes, is taken at around four o'clock, and consists of tea and cakes or scones (which they pronounce with a short 'o'), and perhaps little sandwiches (pronounced 'sanwidges', not 'sand-witches'). The lower classes call this 'afternoon tea'. All this can pose a few problems for foreign visitors: if you are invited to 'dinner', should you turn up at midday or in the evening? Does 'come for tea' mean four o'clock or seven o'clock? To be safe, you will have to ask what time you are expected. The answer will help you to place your hosts on the social scale.


Like 'dinner', this word is not in itself a class indicator, but it becomes one when misapplied. The upper-middle and upper classes insist that the sweet course at the end of a meal is called the 'pudding' - never the 'sweet', or 'afters', or 'dessert', all of which are declasse, unacceptable words. 'Sweet' can be used freely as an adjective, but as a noun it is piece of confectionary - what the Americans call 'candy' - and nothing else. The course at the end of the meal is always 'pudding', whatever it consists of: a slice of cake is 'pudding', so is a lemon sorbet. Asking: 'Does anyone want a sweet?' at the end of a meal will get you immediately classified as middle-middle or below. 'Afters' will also activate the class-radar and get you demoted. Some American-influenced young upper-middles are starting to say 'dessert', and this is therefore the least offensive of the three - and the least reliable as a class indicator. It can also cause confusion as, to the upper classes, 'dessert' traditionally means a selection of fresh fruit, served right at the end of a dinner, after the pudding, and eaten with a knife and fork.

If you want to 'talk posh', you will have to stop using the term 'posh', for a start: the correct upper-class word is 'smart'. In upper-middle and upper-class circles, 'posh' can only be used ironically, in a jokey tone of voice to show that you know it is a low-class word.

The opposite of 'smart' is what everyone from the middle-middles upwards calls 'common' - a snobbish euphemism for 'working class'. But beware: using this term too often is a sure sign of middle-middle class-anxiety. Calling things and people 'common' all the time is protesting too much, trying too hard to distance yourself from the lower classes.Only the insecure wear their snobbery on their sleeve in this way. 'Naff' is a better option, as it is a more ambiguous term, which can mean the same as 'common', but can also just mean 'tacky' or 'in bad taste'. It has become a generic, all-purpose expression of disapproval/dislike: teenagers often use 'naff' more or less interchangeably with 'uncool' and 'mainstream', their favourite dire insults.

If they are 'common', these young people will call their parents Mum and Dad; 'smart' children say Mummy and Daddy (some used to say Ma and Pa, but these are now seen as very old-fashioned). When talking about their parents, common children refer to them as 'my Mum' and 'my Dad' (or 'me Mam' and 'me Dad'), while smart children say 'my mother' and 'my father'. 

Common people go to a 'do'; middle-middles might call it a 'function'; smart people just call it a party. 'Refreshments' are served at middle-class 'functions'; the higher echelons' parties just have food and drink. Lower- and middle-middles eat their food in 'portions'; upper-middles and above have 'helpings'. Common people have a 'starter'; smart people have a 'first course' (although this one is rather less reliable).

воскресенье, 23 июня 2019 г.

Motivating The Unmotivated

This is my biggest insight of the year 2019 in theory of teaching that I am into now.
I found it on the Futurelearn and I am itching to share it! This is something that every teacher should watch! There is also a downloadable pdf report, but watching is more impressive, I promise. I hope the link would be always available.

* 'Motivating The Unmotivated-
Ten Ways To Get Your Students To DO Something
By Ken Wilson
British Council: 17th January 2012

Something else to share. Hmmm.

Carl Rogers - theories of motivation, webinar:


Carl Rogers, the American psychologist, talked about two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which affect learning and the desire to improve.

Intrinsic motivationcomes from the learner.

Extrinsic motivationcomes from an external source, where there is some kind of external reward for doing something, or consequence of notdoing something.

Rogers (1957) outlined 3 attitudinal qualities that a teacher, or in his words, a facilitator, should have to assist the learning process. They are empathy (seeing things from the students' viewpoint), authenticity (being yourself) and acceptance (of students' ideas and opinions).

Inspiring video, by Zoltan Dornyei

He looks at eight different factors that promote group cohesiveness, including cooperation, competition and teachersleadership styles.

Zoltán goes on to discuss group normsthe rules and regulations that govern classroom life, as well as unproductive norms.  Three critical classroom norms he presents are:

1. The norm of mediocrity

2. The norm of tolerance

3. The norm of effort and perseverance

Watch the full video below to learn more about group dynamics and to see Zoltán share the five principles of a safe speaking environment.

I think praise is extremely important. However, it has to be for real. Students know very quickly if you’re not telling the truth. And I think to give out praise on a regular basis for the sake of giving out praise is very much the wrong approach for a teacher. So if I do give praise, they know it’s been well earned, and they really respond to it.
Giving praise to learners: https://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/news/elt-news/giving-praise-learners

Listen to the teacher trainer Lindsay Clandfield talking about three important things to consider when motivating learners.

He mentions:

Rapport - the relationship and understanding we have with our learners Teacher attitude - our enthusiasm and attitude towards our teaching and lessons Teacher presence - giving learners your full attention; your voice; the way you move


How to make it student-centered?

Student-centered class
There are many ways to incorporate student centered techniques into classroom resources and lessons:

1. Allow for student choice and autonomy. This might mean providing project, classroom and homework assignment options, as well as allowing students to design their own seating arrangements. Providing more types of question types in assessments also gives students the chance to make their own choices. Finally, encourage teachers to give the students a few minutes of downtime to use as they’d like (within reason of course).

2. Use open-ended questioning techniques. This practice encourages critical and creative thinking and enhances problem-solving skills. Open-ended questioning encourages clear communication and provides students with reassurance that their thoughts and ideas matter.

3. Engage in explicit instruction. Explicit instruction moves away from the skill and drill attitude of teaching. It is a much more direct and engaging method of instruction that pulls the students right into the heart of the lesson. Students are active participants in what is going on, rather than bystanders and onlookers.

4. Encourage student collaboration and group projects. When students work with each other they are learning a great deal more than just the lesson content. They are gaining an appreciation for the diversity that exists in our schools and communities. They are also learning to have respect for what may sometimes be very differing points of view. And finally, they are able to bounce their ideas back and forth with each other, creating a much greater opportunity to grow these ideas into something great.

5. Encourage student reflection. Student reflection allows students to slow things down a bit and take a step back to analyze things. It also allows time for their brains to process what they have been learning. Reflection creates space and time for individual and group growth.

6. Create individual self-paced assignments. All students don’t work at the same speed and assignments should reflect this. Allowing students to move through material at a rate that best fits their learning styles and needs makes it more likely that they will gain deeper understanding of the subject matter.

7. Get the students involved in community-based activities and service-learning projects. This helps students to see their important role in the larger world. They are given the chance to learn how valuable and fulfilling it can be to give back to others. Learning becomes more organic and less rigid. Students have the opportunity to see firsthand that learning opportunities surround us everywhere where we go.
(taken from this page: https://apasseducation.com/7-ways-to-create-a-student-centered-classroom/ )