понедельник, 7 февраля 2022 г.

Shopping #2

You're so HOTS I want to role-play with you. 

The more I teach Tasya the more I think what a bright student I am dealing with. I would love to be wise enough to always encourage her frolics and sence of humour and not to push hard enough to perform well in close ended tests.

Recently I've discovered that she may somehow fail to find opposites to simple words (such as heavy/light, strong/weak, etc.) which worrield me for a wile. But at the same day she showed herself as a pretty good communicator and a story teller. Testing is tricky. Don't fall into its trap. I've analysed that Tasya prefers the  tasks that engage Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) more than those of the Lower ones (LOTS) (according to Bloom's taxonomy, check it out).

Taya can be very creative and comes up with very nice ideas for another word of the day comic strip. She loves to role-play any life situations very emotionally applying all her artistry and charm. She is my dream student! 

And on top of that she has just become an independent reader. She has her bed time stories in English and I think I should do some research on how to provide her with more authentic literature. (Today she read Pippi Longstockings on her own, I could hardly believe it, my dear).


Duration: 60 min.

Course book: Go Getter 3rd, SB  P. 23, Audio 35, 36, 37

Topic: Shopping 

Aim: Lexic

Stage: Warm up

Roleplay game. We used our toy shop set 'A vegetable stall' with some plastic goods, basket, scales, cash desk and money. Taya loved this game because now she knew how to say this everyday language:

How can I help you?

It is our special offer.

Here is your change and the receipt.

Would you like to pay in cash or by card?

*In terms of common usage it's often shortened to just "cash or card", so you'll probably most often hear "You can pay with cash or card" in shops. Sometimes a cashier will just look at a customer and ask "cash or card?" as the whole sentence.

Stage: new lexic with a focus on spelling 

Guess what's the phrase:

* to stand in a queue (the word 'queue' sounds the same with the letter 'Q')

Taya's got sense of humour! See what the word 'queue' should look like - written in red letters below the picture:

it says: Qyghery

She must have known the word ought to be tricky: it takes more letters to write it than sounds to pronunce! And since those letters are silent why should she care what those letters are? There might be silent friends "ght" whatever! :D

3 words to memorize: queue, receipt, cashier

Focus on pronunciation and spelling, silent letters.

We role-played the situation:

A husband is in a que, calling her wife on the phone, who is still roaming around the store:

- What might be keeping you, honey?

- I've been looking for my favourite squash caviar, darling. Now I've got it, but where can I find you?

- I am standing in a queue, catch up soon!

- Sure!

- I don't want to keep the cashier waiting too long.

- I'm coming! Which queue are you in?

- The cashier number 5.

- Right, I can see you now.

Audio 1_35

(A litlle of TPR) Listen and jump up when you hear the new words:

  • Queue, 

  • cashier, 

  • special offer, 

  • receipt, 

  • change

Picture p.22

Ex. 2,3,4

ex. 6 and 7
Stage: home task - make the word of the day comic strip

Isn't it adorable? ❤

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