четверг, 27 ноября 2014 г.

A short history of tractors in Ukranian (a novel by Marina Levitskaya)

It's time to tell about a really good book that I recently read. This is the book of the year for me. Funny, witty, touching, giving much thoughts for discussion with my husband. It is the kind of book which was worth being retold in details to my hubby as he could not read English. It is deeply psychological, revealing inner worlds of people beloning to different cultures, age groups and wealfare levels. A collision of ideologies. And I loved the subordinate plot about the tracors. The invention of caterpillar tractors under peace time conditions was later used for caterpillar tanks - this piece of information comes along with the scenes of fighting between two spouses who were meant to love each other till the end of time :)

I deeply regret that I hadn't taken any pictures of a cover or pages of the book or copied no paragraphs from it.
However here are some words to learn:
Dill - укроп
Parsley - петрушка
Self-seeded, grow wild
Propagate - размножаться, плодиться
Weeds proliferate - сорняки заполонили сад (размножились, распростр)
Yield - плоды, урожай
Animal yeld - приплод
This land yields well -Земля
приносит хороший урожай
Quince - айва
Greenhouse - теплица
Vegetable patch - грядка
Water butt - бочка
Dung - помёт, удобрение
Manure - навоз
Scarcity - дефицит, нехватка
Enroll - зачислять, вносить в список
Famine - Голод как бедствие
Simmer - кипеть, бурлить,
to keep at a simmer - держать на медл.огне
The kettle was kept on the simmer
Sweeping moustache - густые усы
A good dollop of jam - хорош порция (кусок) джема
She dolloped teaspoons of dumplings into the soup
His voice has gone all croaky - охрипший
To decipher a riddle, smb's handwriting
Cagey - скрытный, уклончивый, хитрый
Wry - искривленный, насмешливый, wry smile
On horseback- верхом на лошади
On high-heeled peep-toe mules - в шлёпках на высокомкаблуке
Wry look -Взгляд искоса
Coax - лиса, льстить
To coax smb out of his money
To coax a secret out of smb
Hoover - vacuum cleaner
Crap hoover is not picking up properly
To sign a Hire purchase agreement - покупать врассрочку
Clotted dust, clotted blood, clotted hair
Nape - затылок
Dismantle - take apart, remove the covers
To dismantle a car engine
To dismantle a house of its roof
To dismantle a chin of its beard - сбрить бороду
To coax fire to burn - терпеливо разжигать огонь
To skid - скользить, буксовать
The car skidded - машину занесло
Keep your nose out of it- не суй свой нос
Be sober, be vigilant - трезвитесь, бодрствуйте (библ.) бдительный
Stringy meat - волокнистое мясо, жилистое
Kilter - полный порядок
In kilter, out of kilter
His coat is buttoned up out of kilter
Myopic - близорукий
Undaunted - неустрашимый
Although outnumbered he was undaunted - Врагов было много, но он не сдавался
I could not get a word in edgeways - мне и слова вставить не дали
To oust the worms - изгонять глистов
A tv is on at full blast
Scamper - бегать, резвиться scamper away - yaдирать, разбегаться в разные стороны
Doing thisis not hardship - сделатьэто не так уж трудно

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